Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Graduation ceremony

It's not me. It's my colleagues' graduation ceremony. Two of them graduate master degree from Ramkamhaeng University in this year. Congratulations for Unoil and Toy!

For me, I already forget how did I feel on those days-excited, happy, tired. It seems all those feeling are like wind. It came and went very quickly like wind in a winter. Ven.Promote said that most people like to contemplate Dukhavedana (unhappy feeling), but actually Sukhavedana (happy feeling) stays even shorter - if you can notice. I agree with him.

This time I realize that though a worldly degree is important for lay people as it is to open a chance for us to work and earn to live our lives. But the most significant one is not that. Seeking for the truth of life and educating ourselves along the noble path are what we really need to do all the time, no matter what degree you have or who you are.

Anyway, congratulations for their success. Hope both of you get something back in return after having made a lot of effot for your studies.

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