Monday, March 24, 2008


On 13-16March 2007, I went to Trang with 200 colleagues. It was a hard trip (in my opinion) as I had to travel back and forth overnight for 10 hours. It was a great chance to consider physical and mental suffering arising during the travelling time.

On 14th Mar, I went to the sea of Trang - I went to 4 islands and did snokling diving. I was a bit disappointed as undersea worldsare not beautiful as the last 9 years. But the view of the sea is still worth seeing- blue sky, green sea and beautiful fish.

On 15th Mar, I didnt go out with other people as I had to catch a bus back to Bangkok at 5.30 pm. So i hired a motorcycle taxi (with a driver) to drive around Trang city. It took 4 hours to go to 4-5 temples, 2 parks, 1 house (of the former P.M. - it's just a house actually!) and 2 Chinese temples. I like this city tour a lot as I got a chance to see this small city, though i was sunburned and tired.
There was not much mindfulness during this time. I still need to improve myself a lot.

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